Shivaraj and the story of his change of heart! Shivaraj, played by Shiva Rajkumar, is a rich businessman who has grown up to despise relationships. Nayana, played by Vidya Pradeep, starts falling for him and decides to get a job in his company to be close to him. Shivaraj does not reciprocate as he is wary of relationships and tells her that he despises relationships and believes in living in the moment as you can never be sure of the future. He finds out from Nayana's father that his own father spent his life dedicated to farmers and their welfare. He decides to follow in the footsteps and work for the welfare of farmers. One fine day, after he achieves his success in his work for farmers and creates a Farmer’s Day, he loses consciousness during an event. That is when he confesses to Nayana that he has a type of incurable cancer and that is why he never let himself fall in love with her.
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