BANGARDA KURAL (2012) (Tulu)
The story revolves around three brothers in a family and develops after the younger brother Shivu (Shivadhwaj) marries the daughter Ambika (Paki Hegde) of his school teacher. He's hated by his two sisters-in-law who grow more jealous and gradually begin to hate Ambika too. Shivu's brother and sisters-in-law then allege Shivu and his wife of stealing money from his elder brother. 'Shivu's elder brother does not trust him. Disgusted, Shivu leaves for Mumbai in search of a job, leaving Ambika at home. While, at home, Ambika's co-sisters make her life miserable. Does Shivu return? What obstacles does he face in a new city? More importantly, how does Ambika manage?
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